Sunday, May 5, 2019

Modal Verbs Part 2

The English modal verbs are often challenging for learners of English. This happens for many reasons, including both grammar and meaning.

Beginning with this Hint, we'll get information on individual modal verbs. The first is may.

Present and Future Time
For present and future time, the modal auxiliary may is used
in two ways: (1) to talk about possibility and (2) to ask for
permission. For these meanings in present and future time,
use may + a simple verb.

Examples: possibility
A: Where's Matt?
B: I don't know. He may be in the cafeteria.
(It's possible that Matt is in cafeteria.)

A: What are your plans for tonight?
B: I'm not sure. I may go to a concert.
(It's possible that I'll go to a concert.)

A: Do you have change for a dollar?
B: I'm not sure. I may. Let me see. 
(It's possible that I have change for a dollar.)

Examples: permission
A: We're finished with our practice. May we leave?
(Do we have your permission to leave?)
B: Yes, you may. (Yes, you may leave. / Yes, you have my permission to leave.)

A: May I borrow your book?
(Do I have your permission to borrow your book?)
B: Of course you may. (Of course you may borrow my book. OR Of course you have my permission to borrow my book.)

A: May my boyfriend go to the party with me?
(Does my boyfriend have your permission to go to the party with me?)
B: No, he may not. (No, your boyfriend may not go to the party with you. / No, your boyfriend does not have my permission to go to the party with you.

Special Notes:
1. may be and maybe
Maybe and may be have similar meanings, but different grammar:
Maybe he's worried.
He may be worried.
Maybe I'll be at Janet's party. /
I may be at Jenna's party.
Maybe there'll be an exam next week. /
There may be a test next week.

A: Is Bob angry?
B: I don't know. Maybe. / He may be.

(Maybe is used before a sentence; may be comes after a subject--and often before a phrase.)

2. may for permission
When asking permission, do not use may with you:
Wrong: May you help me?

(It isn't logical to ask someone to give himself or herself permission to do something.)

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