Monday, September 9, 2019

Idioms with 'R'

R and R: rest and relaxation (a vacation).
"I think you're working too hard, Dave. You need some R and R."

Rain or shine: (describing something scheduled) no matter what the weather is.
"We're leaving tomorrow, rain or shine."

Rain cats and dogs: rain very hard.
"You can't leave just now! It's raining cats and dogs and you don't have an umbrella or raincoat!"

Read someone's mind: know what someone is thinking.
A: "I'll be you're thinking of what you're going to have for dinner."
B: "Hey, did you read my mind?"
A: "No. I just know that you're always hungry and lunch was several hours ago!"

Rub someone the wrong way: irritate someone; bother or annoy someone.
"All my little brother says is 'Why?' Usually I'm patient with him,
but sometimes all his questions rub me the wrong way."

Run-down: (1) not well; weak; fatigued.
"Are you eating regularly and getting enough sleep? You look run-down."

Run-down: (2) in poor condition; needing repair.
"This must be a poor neighborhood. All the buildings look really run-down."

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