Monday, September 9, 2019

Idioms with 'G'

Get going: leave.
"Look at the time! I'd better get going!"

Get it: understand something (often negative).
"I don't get it. What do you mean?"

Get a kick out of something: find something amusing.
"I really get a kick out of listening to children talk. They say some very funny things."

Get lost!: go away
"I wish he'd get lost and stop bothering me. I don't want to talk to him!"

Get on one's nerves: irritate someone; make someone upset.
"I know you like that song, but it's getting on my nerves. Can you play something else?"

Get a move on: hurry
"If you don't want to be late, you'd better get a move on."

Get one's wires crossed: be confused or mistaken about something.
A: "Bill said there was a meeting this morning. Don't we have one?"
B: "No. The meeting's tomorrow. I guess Bill got his wires crossed."

Get out of hand: become out of control; become badly managed.
"Your absences are getting out of hand, Bob. You'd better do something quickly to improve the situation if you want to keep your job."

Get real!: Be realistic! / Don't be naive.
A: "I'm going to Las Vegas. I know I'll win a lot of money!"
B: "Get real! You'll probably lose a lot of money!"

Get up and go: energy.
"I'm really tired. I don't have any get up and go."

Give someone a hand (1): help someone.
"I can't do this alone. Can you give me a hand?"

Give someone a hand (2): applaud (to show respect or appreciation for someone/something).
"Bob's done a wonderful job with the presentationLet's give him a hand!"

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