Monday, August 12, 2019

How to write English Sentences 2

How to use six basic sentence constructions formats
We know from "How to Write English Sentences 1" that before you write an English sentence some decisions have to be made. 

What is the single or complete thought that you are stating, describing, explaining or asking. Now we have to decide which of six basic English sentence construction formats best suits your sentence. 

Lets review the six basic English sentence construction formats in greater detail. 

Writers can construct every type of English sentence using these six patterns. 

1. No Verb Complement 
The simplest structure is one without a verb complement. In traditional grammar, all verb complements are either nouns or adjectives. 

Example: Marcus teaches. 

2. Direct Object Verb Complement 

The defining characteristic is the presence of a direct object. 

ExampleMarcus teaches students. 

3. Indirect and Direct Object Verb Complements 
Both indirect and direct objects are present. Indirect objects are placed immediately after the verb. Direct objects that are noun phrases follow the indirect object. 

ExampleMarcus taught [(me) (a lesson)]. 

4. Predicate Nominative Verb Complement 
The predicate nominative verb complement is a noun or a pronoun that redefines, renames, or classifies the subject of the sentence. The verb in a predicate nominative sentence pattern is always a linking verb, such as be, seem or become. 

ExamplesMarcus became a teacher. 

5. Predicate Adjective Verb Complement 
The predicate adjective is an adjective that modifies the subject of the sentence. The verb is always a linking verb, such as be, seem, smell, look, taste or become. 

ExamplesMarcus became famous. 

6. Direct Object and Objective Complement 
The verb complements are a direct object and an objective complement. An objective complement is a noun or an adjective that occurs after the direct object and describes the direct object. 

ExampleMarcus's English class made [(me) (bilingual)].

Additional Examples of English Sentences with Simple Configurations

Simple subject and predicate
ExampleMarcus taught. 

Understood subject (for commands, directives)
Example: Study! 

Examples: Ouch that hurt! 

Compound predicate
The student listened and wrote. 

Compound subject and predicate
Marcus and Sheryl worked hard and then rested. 

Three subjects
Japanese, Koreans, and Americans studied in the school. 

Direct object
Sheryl sent the letter. 

Compound direct objects
Marcus sent cards and letters. 

Three direct objects
Japanese sent posters, cards, and letters. 

Compound predicate with direct objects
Marcus wrote a poem and read it. 

Compound predicate with one direct object
Sheryl  proofreads and edits her letters. 

Indirect object
Marcus gave the students homework. 

Compound indirect objects
The teacher gave Jessica and Matthew quizzes. 

Predicate noun
Marcus is a teacher. 

Objective Complement
Marcus wiped his blackboard clean. 

Direct address
James, tell the class now. 

Athletic moves excite the crowd. 

Compound adjectives
The young and playful kitten played with the students. 

Predicate adjective
The lesson was accurate. 

Compound predicate adjectives
The lesson was accurate and detailed. 

Comparative Adjective
Marcus is considerably older than his brother. 

Sheryl  works quickly. 

Adverbs modifying other adverbs
My dog wags its tail quite often. 

Compound adverbs
The teacher waited patiently and quietly for the answer. 

Passive Voice
The education article was read. 

In the next How to write English Sentences page we will discuss the four English sentence types: declarative, imperative, interrogative and exclamatory. 

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