Friday, August 23, 2019

Conditional Sentences - 4

Conditional ("if") sentences usually have two parts. One part shows a result and the other shows a condition on which the result depends. The condition is usually preceded by if. In "He'd have gotten angry if he hadn't gotten what he wanted," the result is "he'd have gotten angry" and the condition (introduced by "if") is "he hadn't gotten what he wanted."

There are two main types of conditional sentences: real and unreal. 
Real conditional sentences refer to situations that are either true or possible. Unreal conditionals refer to situations that are not true, not possible or hypothetical; conditional sentences of this type are often described as being contrary to fact.

Let's take another look at unreal conditionals.

Unreal Conditionals - 2
There are many types of unreal conditional sentences. They vary according to the time they refer to, but they are the same in one way: the situations that they show are not real, hypothetical, and contrary to fact.

The second type of unreal conditional is used for past time. Usually, unreal conditional sentences that refer to past time use this form:
If + subject + had + past participle + other words, subject + would have ('ve) + past participle + other words.


Subject + would have ('ve) + past participle + other words if + subject + had + past participle + other words. (This form is used for BE and other verbs.)

If Mary had been here yesterday, she would've assisted me. / Mary would've assisted me if she had been here yesterday.
(Mary wasn't here yesterday, so she couldn't assist me.)

If Mark had had enough money, he would've gone to France. / Mark would've gone to France if I had had enough money.
(Mark didn't have enough money, so he couldn't go to France.)

If bikes had cost less, I would've bought a new one. / I would've bought a new bikes  if they had cost less.
(New bikes cost too much for me, so I couldn't buy a new one.)

Extra Notes:
1. Notice that in the if clause, the time is past, but the tense is past perfect.
2. Notice also that had may be used as both an auxiliary verb and a past participle:

If I had had enough money . . . .
If she had had time . . . .
If he had had a reason . . . .

In past unreal conditionals, had is frequently contracted to 'd:

If I'd had enough money . . . .
If he'd had time . . . .
If she'd had a reason . . . .
3. In the if clause, would have is not used.
Incorrect: If he would've been here yesterday, he would've helped you.
Incorrect: If I would've had enough money, I would've gone to France.
Incorrect: If bikes would've cost less, I would've bought a new one.

4. Native speakers sometimes say had've instead of would've in the result clause. This is completely wrong.
Incorrect: If I had've been here yesterday, he would've helped you.
Incorrect: If I had've had enough money, I would've gone to France.
Incorrect: If bikes had've cost less, I would've bought a new one.

5. It's also possible to use might have ('ve) or could have ('ve) in the result clause:
If she'd been here yesterday, she might've / could've helped you.
If I'd had enough money, I might've / could've gone to France.
If bikes had cost less, I might've / could've bought a new one.

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