Thursday, May 16, 2019

Small Talk

Small Talk - Interactive Practice

John: "Hey Bob. What are you doing here?"
Bob: "What's up? I'm meeting up with a friend here."
John: "How have you been Bob?"
Bob: "Not too bad. I'm still in school and having a fun."
John: "How are you enjoying Mr. Peterson's Geography class?"
Bob: "It's very boring."
John: "Tell me more about it. If it wasn't a requirement, I wouldn't have taken it."
Bob: "How about you? What have you been doing these days?"
John: "I finished school last summer. I'm looking for a job now, but I'm slacking off."
Bob: "I heard the job market is not that good right now."
John: "I could always take a low end job, but I'm not that desperate yet."
Bob: "Well, good luck to you."
John: "Thanks. It was good seeing you again."
Bob: "Yeah. I'll catch you later."
John: "Have a good night."

Blackshark WW

A: "You're Frank right?"
B: "Yes. Oh, you're in my History class right?"
A: "Yeah. I'm Janet."
B: "Well it's good to finally meet you."
A: "How are you enjoying the class?"
B: "I'm not sure. Some days it seems alright, but other days I am totally bored in class."
A: "I know what you mean. Do you know what is happening to the weather these days? I haven't seen the sun in a week."
B: "The weather has been pretty bad recently."
A: "I really hope the weather gets better."
B: "Do you have something coming up?"
A: "To tell you the truth, it's just depressing seeing so much rain."
B: "I don't blame you. It has been pretty gloomy for some time now."
A: "This is my stop. I'll see you later."
B: "I'll see you in class. Bye."

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