Saturday, May 11, 2019

Phrasal Verbs: D

Phrasal Verbs Beginning With "D"

A phrasal verb is a verb that is made up of a main verb together with an adverb or a preposition, or both. Typically, their meaning is not obvious from the meanings of the individual words themselves. For example: She has always looked down on me.

DO IN (1. separable): cause to become very tired.
"Those two games of football yesterday morning really did me in. I slept for 12 hours after I got home."

DO IN (2. separable): to kill; to murder.
"Many people said that the murdered woman was done in between 11 and 12 o'clock last night."

DO OVER (separable): do something again.
"Oh, no! I forgot to save my homework before I turned off the computer off! Now I'll have to do it over!"

DRAG ON (no object): last much longer than expected or is necessary.
"I thought the chess game would be a short one, but it dragged on for more than two hours."

DRAW UP (separable): create a formal document.
"Both the companies have decided to merge. Their lawyers will draw up all the official documents sometime this week."

DROP OFF (separable): deliver something; deliver someone (by giving him/her a ride).
"Yes, I can take those parcels and letters to the post office. I'll drop them off as I go home from office."
"You don't have to take a cab. You live quite close to me, so I'll be happy to drop you off."

DROP IN (on) (inseparable): visit informally (and usually without scheduling a specific time).

"If you're in Yangon next month, we'd love to see you. Please try to drop in. (Please try to drop in on us.)"

DRAW OUT (separable): prolong something (usually far beyond the normal limits).
DROP BY (inseparable): visit informally (and usually without scheduling a specific time).
"If you're in Yangon next week, we'd love to see you. Please try to drop by the office."

DROP OUT (of) (inseparable): stop attending / leave school or an organization.
"No, Jack isn't at the school. He dropped out. / He dropped out of school."

"I thought that speech would never end. The speaker could have said everything important in about 10 minutes, but he drew the speech out for over 30 minutes!"

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