Monday, May 13, 2019

Modal Verbs - Part 3

Understanding and Using Modal Verbs - 3

Individual Modal Verbs

English modal verbs are challenging for English learners. This challenge could be for reasons, which include both grammar and meaning.

This Hint continues with information on may. We've already seen how may is used in present or future time, so let's take a look now at its very different "behavior" in past time.

May (2):
Past Time
For past time, the modal verb may is used in quite differently
in direct speech and in indirect speech.

Direct Speech
In direct speech, may is used only to give information about
the possibility and not both possibility and permission.

To show possibility in the past, use may have the past
participle (third form) of the verb.

Examples: may = possibility in the past
A: Where's Peter?
B: I have no idea. He may have gone to work.
(It's possible that Peter went to work.)
A: Was Janet at the office?
B: I am not sure. She may have been there.
(It's possible that she was there.)
A: Why aren't Jack and his girlfriend talking to each other?
B: I'm don't know. They may have had an argument about something. (It's possible that they had an argument about something.)

Indirect Speech

In indirect (quoted or reported) speech, may often changes
to might if the main verb is in a past tense.

Examplesmay becomes might (because of the tense of the main verb):
John: "May I come with you?" (direct speech)
John asked if he might come with us. (indirect speech)

Tom: "Yes, you may borrow my book." (direct speech)
Ted told me that I might borrow his book. (indirect speech)

Sarah: "I may be early." (direct speech)
Sheila said that she might be early. (indirect speech)

Extra Notes:
1. maybe and may have
Maybe can also be used to give information about possibilities in the past.

Sandra may have gone home. /
Maybe she went home.

Janet may have been there. /
Maybe she was there.

I may have met her. I don't remember. /
Maybe I met her. I don't remember.

A: Was Lester angry?
B: I don't know. Maybe. / He may have been.
A: Did Sandra forget about our party?
B: I don't know. Maybe. / She may have.
2. May have does not refer to permission in the past.

"John may have left the party" means "Maybe he
left the party" or "It's possible that he left the party."
It does not mean "John had permission to leave the party."

"Stella may have borrowed your pen" means "It's possible that Stella borrowed your pen" or "Maybe Stella borrowed your pen." It does not mean "She had permission to borrow your pen."

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