Friday, April 19, 2019

Connectors in English

Many students ask us how to make their sentences longer. Connectors and conjunctions are words and expressions that will help you to do this.

Step 1 What are Connectors?
Connectors are simply words and expressions that connect your ideas. They are very important because they show the direction of your thinking. Without connectors, your writing and speaking will be very simple and basic.

Step 2  Organisation
You will learn many connectors while you are studying English. It is very helpful to keep your knowledge organised. There are 4 basic groups of connectors:

Connectors that show contrast
e.g. "but" - I like tea but I don't like coffee

Connectors that add information
e.g. "and" - I like tea and coffee

Connectors that show reason and result
e.g. "because", "so" - I went to England because I wanted to study English (reason)
I wanted to study English so I went to England (result)

Connectors that talk about time
e.g. "while" - The phone rang while she was in the shower.

The above examples are very simple connectors that you already know.  Now try to decide which group the following connectors belong to. Some of them are quite advanced, so use your dictionary and do your best! 

One connector belongs to 2 groups - which one?
as well as
not only.... but also
on account of
even though
so that
in order to
because of

Check your answers (read more)

Step 2 Answers: "since" belongs to 2 groups

Connectors to show contrast:
despite, whereas, although, even though

Connectors to add information:
as well as, not only...but also

Connectors to show reason and result:
on account of, since, so that, in order to, because of

Connectors that talk about time:
when, since

Step 3  Grammar
You need to know the grammar of these connectors, as well as the meaning. Answer these questions to find out about this grammar.

1. Which of the connectors in Step 2 are followed by gerund verbs* or nouns?
2. Which of the connectors in Step 2 are followed by infinitive verbs?
3. Which of the connectors are followed by a subject-verb clause?
4. Which of the connectors is always followed by subject + can/could?
* "gerund verbs" are +ing forms, e.g. "going"

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Step 3 Answers
1. Which of the connectors in Step 2 are followed by gerund verbs or nouns? 
despite, as well as, on account of, since, because of

2. Which of the connectors in Step 2 are followed by infinitive verbs? 
in order to

3. Which of the connectors are followed by a subject-verb clause? whereas, although, even though, not only, since, when

4. Which of the connectors is always followed by subject + can/could? 
so that

Step 4  Practise your Knowledge
Now practice your knowledge of connectors. This exercise includes some new ones, so try your best!

You need to make 6 sentences. 
Every sentence begins "I always lock my door at night".
Then you must choose a connector and finish the sentence 
with one of the endings.

I always lock my door at night.....
connectorsso that, in case, on account of, even though, which, whereas

endings: house has never been broken into
...nobody can come in brother very rarely does
...some people find a bit strange
...all the thieves in my area
...someone tries to come in

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Step 4 Answers
I always lock my door at night so that nobody can come in.
I always lock my door at night in case someone tries to come in.
I always lock my door at night on account of all the thieves in my area.
I always lock my door at night even though my house has never been broken into.
I always lock my door at night which some people find a bit strange.
I always lock my door at night whereas my brother very rarely does.

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