Sunday, March 31, 2019

English Punctuation

Punctuation is essential for writing in English. Punctuation helps you express your thoughts, feelings, and ideas in a way that is easy for the reader to understand.

Punctuation - Apostrophe
Let us look at how to use apostrophes (‘) in this lesson. There are different ways that we can use apostrophes when we write in English. 

1. Possession or ownership
Have you been to Karen's house?
Did you see Mark's car?
Bill's bag is red.
John's family is nice.
The girls' puppy is cute.

2. Contractions
It isn't hot.
I'd do it.
You've been thinking for a long time.
We'll leave in 10 minutes.
I should've bought it when it was on sale.

Punctuation - Capitalization
In English, we have uppercase letters and lowercase letters. Capital letters are uppercase letters. Sometimes, uppercase letters are called "a big letter" and lowercase letters are called "a little letter". 

So, we can say, write a capital "A" or a little "a". Or write a lowercase "r" or a big "R". 

Capital letters (uppercase letters/big letters) look like this: 


Lowercase (little letters) look like this: 

Here are the different ways that we can use capital (big letters). 

1. At the beginning of every sentence
What is your name?
He likes me.
Learning English is not that hard.

2. The first word inside quotation marks
She asked, "How are you?"
"My name is Michael," he said.
They yelled, "Come here!"

3. With proper nouns (Names of people, specific places and things) 
If the name is more than one word, you should capitalize the first letter of each word.
I want to visit Seoul, Korea.
I saw a movie called The Martian.
The Eiffel Tower is amazing.
Ben Johnson is my friend.
Do you know who Brad Pitt is?
I have been to Europe, Asia, and South America.

4. Titles
I need to see Dr. Miller.
She called Mrs. Smith.
Do you know Mr. Thompson?

5. The first word of a salutation (like to start/end a letter or email)
Dear Nick,...

6. A direction if it is directly related to a name
I live in Northern Seoul.

Punctuation - Colon
We will study how to use colons (:) in this lesson. Let's look at the different ways that we use colons when we write in English. We usually put two spaces after a colon. 

1. List of items
Here are the things that we will need: eggs, flour, sugar, milk, and chocolate.
Don't forget to bring: extra socks, some water, a hat, sunscreen, and a flashlight.

2. Separate a sentence from supporting information. This is not very common.
She won a prize: first place in the piano contest.

Punctuation - Comma
We will study how to use commas (,) in this lesson. Let's look at the different ways that we use commas when we write in English. 

1. Separate clauses
I like it, but she doesn't like it.
Since it is cold, I will not go out.
She has a good heart, and she is funny.
Unless I am sick, I will attend the show.

2. Separate words in a list
I like pizza, hamburgers, and cookies.
She visited Slovenia, Poland, and Ukraine.
We can have Indian, Chinese, or Thai food.

3. Separate non-restrictive appositive nouns
My friend, Bob, will come with us.
She talked to her boss, Tony.
Buddy, my dog, is sick.

Punctuation - Exclamation Mark
We will study how to use exclamation marks (!) in this lesson. Let's look at the different ways that we use exclamation marks when we write in English. 

1. End of a sentence to show strong emotion or feeling
Stop it!
I love it!
You are the best!
I hate it!
Go away!
Come here!

2. With direct speech
"I hate it!" she yelled.
"Run!" the boy screamed to his friend.
"We won!" they shouted after the game.

Punctuation - Period

We will study how to use periods (.) in this lesson. Let's look at the different ways that we use periods when we write in English. 

1. At the end of a sentence
She is my sister.
It is good.
We used to go to school together.

2. After a single word

3. For abbreviations. We only use these when writing. 
Here is a list of the common abbreviations that everybody should know. These are used for people, streets, days, and months.

Note: The month of May does not have an abbreviation because it is only three letters.

4. Numbers
I have $5.45.
The price increased by 5.25%.
It is 28.7 degrees Celsius.

Punctuation - Question Marks

We will study how to use question marks (?) in this lesson. Let's look at the different ways that we use question marks when we write in English. 

1. Use at the end of a question
Do you understand?
Is he old?
Are you hot?
Isn't that easy?
Remember that we do not use a question if we are using an embedded question or reported speech.
She asked me if I like pizza.
Tell me who stole my book.

2. With direct speech
"How did you get here?" she asked.
They asked me, "What is your name?"
"Have you been here before?" she asked.

Punctuation - Quotation Marks
We will study how to use quotation marks (") in this lesson. Let's look at the different ways that we use quotation marks when we write in English. 

1. We use quotation marks to show direct speech. We use it to show what a person says or thinks.
She said, "I am the best."
"We are not finished yet!" they said.
"What is your job?" she asked me.
"What should I do?" he thought to himself.
"Let's go," he suggested.
"Ouch!" Mary yelled.

2. We sometimes use quotation marks with terms or words that are being used in an unusual way or that have a different meaning in the sentence than usual.
I saw him with his "friend". 
(In this sentence, I am implying that the person is not really his friend. Maybe, I am implying that it is his girlfriend.)
We "experimented" when we were in college. 
(In this sentence, I do not mean that we actually did experiments. I mean that we tried new things like drinking, drugs, or other things.)

3. Sometimes we use quotation marks with technical words.
This technique is known as "purifying".

Punctuation - Semi-Colon

We will study how to use semi-colons (;) in this lesson. Let's look at the different ways that we use semi-colons when we write in English. 

1. Use instead of a period if two sentences are closely related
I will call you later; we can discuss this issue then.
We must leave now; Mark will meet us there.

2. Use with conjunctive adverbs
It will rain; therefore, I will stay in.
She is nice; moreover, she is smart.
You need to study; otherwise, you will fail the test.

Punctuation - Parentheses
We will study how to use parentheses (......) in this lesson. Let's look at the different ways that we use parentheses when we write in English. 

1. Use with one word, phrase, or sentence in the middle of a sentence. The information in the parentheses gives additional information or further explanation.
Parentheses (also known as round brackets) are one kind of punctuation.
Bill (our neighbor) is too loud.
She finally said (after thinking for about 10 minutes) that she would accept the job.

2. Used to give additional information or information that clarifies at the end of a sentence. We can put it as a new sentence, or just add to the end of the sentence.
This is a great movie. (See for yourself.)
Please read the explanation (you will understand after you read it).

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